Wednesday, August 17, 2005

University of Life

Here are a few lessons I have learned over the past few days:

- Boots 'Roast Vegetable and Hummous' salad appears to contain
neither of its title ingredients. This is presumably some sort of
joke directed at the poor herbivore health-food types who are too weak
and malnourished to complain.

- Flirting outrageously with girls at military events will be at best
ineffective and atoworst potentially hazardous.

- One should not drink more than one could lift.

- Photographs from the Congo tend to focus more on the
violence/poverty of the area - I am yet to see documentary evidence of
Um Bongo consumption. I feel lied to.

- You can Still get Wham! bars. But probably shouldn't.

- If one is facing a long and arduous walk home, the burden of a 17"
CRT monitor does nothing to improve the journey.

I hope these brief insights are helpful.

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