Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lochaber Winter Trip - Day One

I'm 10metres from my last piece of gear and I'm starting to feel the burn in my arms. I've finally found that clump of hero turf to sink my ice axes and relax. Just a few moments of scratching and faffing until I can make myself safe and then continue to the sweet sanctuary of the ledge above. I think I can feel my axes move, but I put it to the back of my mind as I search for the fissure I need. The next thing I see is my adze flying towards my face - SHIIIIIIIIII.....


I'm gasping awake, tongue glued to the roof of my mouth with the taste of stale adrenaline. It's 5.45am and I've been nightmaring about the dreaded winter climbing fall again. Now I have to face the very real nightmare that can be the winter climbing walk-in. Time to chomp down some oats and head for the hills.

Fast forward and hour, and we're still sat in the car in the Ben Nevis car park. It's truly apocalyptic outside, and we're not even considering braving the maelstrom. It's another wash-out.

And so, I've spent the first of my 5 days up here in Lochaber sat in a Polo listening to Austrian Scheisse Rock and swinging around Fort William's premier technicolour dungeon:

Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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