Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I spent ages writing a post about how wonderful climbing is last night and Blogger appears to have dissolved it. It was a prose of such unrelenting beauty that to gaze upon it would heal lepers and cheer goths up. I'm starting to think I might have dreamed it, but still hold the vague hope that it ended up on some random blog somewhere - I like the idea of it nestling in between missives from some podgy canadian teeneager complaining about being misunderstood by all the losers at school.

Ah well, it was probably a load of quasi-emotional pish with a few long word thrown in to make me seem clever and that.

I'm oof to see no less than FOUR GIGS IN A ROW this week as part of the Triptych Festival, some of which I might even review on here if you're particulary unlucky.

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