Tuesday, July 27, 2004


The wonderful combination of unsociable hours, my work PC's rather nice speakers adn the wonderufl winamp winamp software has allowed me to fill the lab with random music. Hurrah.

Just finished was 'Your Revolution' by DJ Vadim and Sarah Jones. A wonderfully sinister hip-hop beat accompanies one of the most viscious feminist invectives you're ever likey to hear. A fantastic kick against the often prevelant sexism in hip-hop. And it feels naughty playing it loudly in my place of work. Heeheehee.

Next up is the sublime 'Burn Girl Prom Queen' by mogwai. The 'gwai are partially responsible for my obsession with music, and this incredible track from the imaginatively-titled 'Mogwai EP' is a good example of why I love this band so much. Yet another of their characteristic slow-burning tunes, the combination of the Cowdenbeath Brass Band and some tinkly piano cause this song to make me feel the same way a sunrise over Edinburgh does.

I could go on about this all night, I really could, but I'm sure it would get boring for all but me (and maybe Del), and I have to go home now and get some sleep.

Nighty Night.

1 comment:

Del said...

Good choices all round there. I'm currently at work humming along to Hefner - Hymn for the Cigarettes, which is delightful. I'll have to wait til i get home to listen to it though.

Oh well.