Anyhoo, we were staying in a friend's 'hut' by the sea (which was far more luxurious than that sounds) and decided to go for a stroll along the coast. Barely a soul there apart from a couple of dog walkers, which is just how I like my beaches. We wondered over to one of the wee islands that is normally submerged at high tide for a bit of a poke around.
Look at what we found

Apparently the locals are now trying to build the world's biggest deep-fat fryer.
You're from Newcastle. They deep fry everything there, if my television is to be believed. Surely they could squeeze that in next to the mars bars.
Giles reckons that you can see it's willy on your picture!
The Local papers said it was a female minky whale.
Now I'm no whale anatomy expert, but there is indeed a sizeable appendage there (about as big as a person), and if it IS female them I'm stunped as to what that bit is.
I'm siding with you, it looks male to me.
Can't believe you saw this on a random beach wander, it must have smelt bad..?
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